Alright! So we've made it to Cincinnati and dropped off the mattress at my mother's house. On the drive down we did a test of the video streaming system and it worked really well. The connection only dropped once and that was the fault of the plugin that was running in the browser. Average data rate was 80kbps, after a 2 hour drive it came out to be about 55 mega bytes of data sent upstream. This was driving at night so most of the data was just black (ie. less data), so I'm interested to see what the day time data rate comes to. During the trip we will have two data connections in the car, one for sending the video stream to the blog and navigation maps and the other for general laptop use and blogging. I'll detail the actual video system before we take off.
Happy Valentines Day!
I'm looking forward to our dinner tomorrow night. Sad to see you go but excited for you at the same time. This is a good time in your life to do this. I'd offer this advice on your trip take the time to "smell the roses" or as it might be, cactus flowers and sage. Once in Phoneix head north to Jerome and Sedona for a day. It's such beautiful country out there. LA will still be there a day later.