Thursday, March 17, 2011

Extended Adventures

We're already nearing a month in town, things are looking good and we're really comfortable. Last weekend Martha & Ed took us to 'Good Hurt' in Venice to see a friend's bad play, then we took the party back to the vacation house in Venice. Monday we drove and hour and ten minutes to Laguna beach and caught up with Martha & Ed there at their vacation spot. Slept the night then went to the beach the next day. So wonderful and relaxing down there. Also attached are some additional pictures from our travels around town and the amazing view last night from Griffith park observatory. The view of the city was hard to believe just standing there.

right on dude

pizza dinner! pre bake


oh noes the TSUNAMI! 

the waves won


Friday, March 11, 2011

Residents of Ca

We went to Ikea yesterday and fantasized about all the things we could have. Managed to get out with just plates, silverware and a dish rack. I had another shoot earlier this week doing interviews in a very nice home in Marina Del Ray. I've posted pictures from the past few days, many of the later ones are me exploring around Koreatown.


Our first home made dinner. Tofu guacamole tacos.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Exit ten off the ten

After a few call backs and long waits we finally got the go ahead to move on into our beautiful Koreatown abode. Spent most of the day doing paper work, final move took under an hour. Attached first are pictures from the apartment tonight, before and after we moved our stuff in, you can see our temporary inflatable mattress. Then pictures from the past two days.